Melbury Hill? What's in a name?
Melbury Hill? What's in a name?
January 02, 2018
Melbury Hill started as a name for my shop in the small hill top town of Shaftesbury, Dorset, I sold Hand painted furniture, Art and Home Deco.
The name came to me on a walk, I’d just signed the lease for the shop and needed a name, struggling for inspiration I went for a hike in the open country side around Shaftesbury and came across a sign for a hill “Melbury Hill” I thought, I like the name but I don’t fancy the walk up it. The name stuck and Melbury Hill, unlike the land mark, has changed from a shop front to the internet company we know today,

I closed the shop in April 2014 to look into a web presents for the company, I had developed a small but modest collection of
Crewel Work Embroidery Kits a number of years earlier but my commitments to the shop didn’t lend it’s self to designing, things have changed beyond recognition on the web since my first website ten years ago, which had a few pictures promoting an exhibition. Baffled and intimated by social media, I took a deep breath and jumped in, Instagram, pinterest, twitter and of course a FB page, social media, "covered", now to selling my new kits, which with time now to develop new lines, were coming thick and fast, "easy to work platforms first", Etsy, and Amazon and then a year later in 2017 Melbury Hill’s very own website with shopping basket. Things are going from strength to strength, designs are coming fast. We are now proud to say we sell all over the world, I love to think of my kits in far flung places, being embroidered by people just like me, because when all is said and done and a few hill's have been climbed, it’s all about the peaceful art of embroidery.
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